
The Birthing
In 2004, Monica Utsey and several other committed homeschool moms founded the Sankofa Homeschool Community to support homeschoolers of color in the Washington Metropolitan Area. In 2011, the Sankofa Community gave birth to a Friday program called the Sankofa Collective. It was founded out of the need to make the lives of homeschoolers easier by having a consistent day and time for us to learn, grow and build together. The Founders, Monica Utsey, Jessica Silva and a group of dedicated parents, aimed to create a collective learning experience for members of the Sankofa Homeschool Community. The Sankofa Homeschool Community and the Sankofa Homeschool Collective are not separate entities; instead, the Collective is an extension of the Community. Participation in the Collective is a benefit of membership in the Sankofa Homeschool Community. You must be a member of the Sankofa Homeschool Community in order to participate in the Collective classes. There is no cost to join.
The History
The Sankofa Homeschool Enrichment Collective (SHEC) was the idea of homeschool moms just like you. Monica Utsey, Jessica Silva, and several other committed moms envisioned a place where we could come together and learn and grow as a community. We wanted to have a day where our children could participate in as many enrichment classes as possible without having to drive all over the city. Thanks to our committed efforts and a partnership with the Southern DC Chapter of Mocha Moms, Inc., the Sankofa Homeschool Enrichment Collective came to life at the Deanwood Recreation Center in Northeast, DC, in the fall of 2011. This endeavor would not have been possible without our many founding organizers, including, but not limited to Jania Otey, Jennifer Muhammad, Jamia Eaton, Lifoma Salaam and Oforiwa Idawa. This vision came to life through the collective efforts of many.
The Sankofa Homeschool Enrichment Collective is an African-centered Homeschool Collective. We aim to draw out the genius that already exists within our children, as we assist them in cultivating their talents and new skills. Through exposure to our scientific, cultural, and historical African legacies, our children can relate to and feel connected to various modalities that center around the body, mind, and spirit. Classes are offered from a variety of disciplines, including math, science, entrepreneurship, social science, the visual and performing arts, yoga and much more. Our mission is to support families in their development of spiritually enlightened and responsible African children who are committed to their families, their community and their culture. We strive to instill in our children a positive self-image, wholesome character, a sharp mind, a strong and deep cultural and historical awareness, as well as love and respect for Mother Earth. The goal, in essence, is to nurture the love of learning and of culture. Our children will be taught by people who are passionate about what they do, and who are willing and able to transfer that passion to the children.
The Sankofa Homeschool Collective is an on-going cooperative effort. We invite parents to become a part of the planning process for classes that are held in the Fall and Spring. It is our hope that each session new homeschool moms or dads will volunteer to assist in organizing or teaching. This will aid in the distribution of responsibilities and help avoid burning out the leadership. Each session is 10 weeks long. In an effort to approach our teaching from a holistic perspective, we seek out instructors of color that are highly qualified and passionate.
We Are A Family Collective
We are NOT a drop off program. I repeat we are NOT a drop off program. We do allow mature teens ages 14 and up to attend without parents. Teen parents must commit to attending at least 2 sessions of the Sankofa Homeschool Collective. We are not a school nor are we a hybrid-school. We are a homeschool family collective and encourage the participation and engagement of parents. We have found this to be in the best interest of the child and the parent as both are learning and growing together. In addition, families get to know each other during the 10-week session and new friendships are formed. This does not always happen in drop-off programs where most contact happens in the parking lot. We are able to consider special situations, but they must be discussed prior to enrollment.